Bundle offer:  

Option (A): Buy Selected AORUS / AERO Laptop to get 1x BONUS GIGABYTE SSD 1TB (GP-GM301TB-G) 

Option (B): Buy Selected GIGABYTE Laptop to get 1x BONUS GIGABYTE SSD 512GB (GP-GM30512G-G) 


** Redemption closes on Oct 31st or once the giveaways run out, whichever occurs first.

Please follow AORUS HK Official Facebook for the latest announcement** 




Opens to HONG KONG Residents. 

Supply of the gifts is limited in quantity and available only while stocks last. 

Promotion eligible time: Purchase during October 1st to October 31st 2022, or while supplies last. 

Redeem deadline: Oct 31st, 2022. Any applications or request for the reward after this date will not be taken. (If your application is rejected, please resubmit & complete request by the suggested redeem deadline) 

  • AERO 15 OLED XD * GP-GM301TB-G

  • AORUS 15P XD  * GP-GM301TB-G

  • GIGABYTE G5 KD * GP-GM30512G-G

  • GIGABYTE G7 GD * GP-GM30512G-G

  • GIGABYTE G7 MD * GP-GM30512G-G


Rules and Remarks: 

1. This promotion opens to HONG KONG residents. Eligible for purchases from all resellers based in HONG KONG.  

2. Please provide Serial Number of the purchased model, clear screenshot/attachment of the TAX invoice, real name and complete residential address for a valid redemption entry. (Complete address shall include town/ suburb, state and postal code. PO Box / parcel collect is not accepted). 

1. 消費者需於活動期間內,購買香港代理商出貨之彩盒包裝指定產品,至活動網頁登錄您所購買的技嘉產品資料、個人資料,並上傳購買憑證,即可參加本活動,逾期不予受理。

2. 上傳產品購買憑證照片,日期需為指定活動期間(2022.10.01-10.31)且內容需清晰完整。如發票無發票章或模糊無法辨識、水貨或購買品項無載明活動指定機型者、無發票日期、僅附購買證明或收據等情形,恕無法參與此活動,若有退換貨之情形,技嘉科技將保留核發或追回所有贈品之權利。

3. 參加本活動者須依照活動網頁需求填寫活動相關資訊,每帳號限登錄一次,每次僅能登錄一台筆電,若填寫資料或檔案照片不清楚,將無法完成登錄程序,即不符合活動資格。

4. 同一申請人僅限申請贈品乙份,且每個產品序號(SN)僅能兌換一組促銷代碼,不得重複登錄。申請資料(如申請人、買受人、市內電話、手機、地址等)任一資料於本活動申請兩筆以上,或相同資料之重覆登錄、相同地址不同公司等情形,將視為同一申請人。

5. 消費者登錄完成後,將於5-7個工作日內進行人工審核,技嘉科技將以e-mail的方式回覆資料審核結果,請用戶主動確認電子信箱。

6. 所有贈品均不可以任何形式兌換現金,若贈品因非預期因素而無法提供,技嘉科技保留更換為任何等值贈品的權利。

7. 活動贈品將不列入技嘉保固的範圍,新品七日內故障可提供換貨。

8. 保留活動變更及終止的權利,如有未盡事宜,技嘉科技股份有限公司保留最終核准、變更、修改、取消本活動內容之權利,如活動方式及獎項有所變動,以技嘉活動網頁公告為準,不另行通知。將視參加本活動者,均已瞭解並同意遵守活動辦法與注意事項之相關規定。

9. 本活動及優惠僅限於香港地區,任一申請資料(如申請人、聯絡人、買受人、市內電話、手機、地址等)為經銷商相關資料者,恕無法參與本活動,為維護消費者權益,本活動恕不接受代理申請。申請文件若有造假不實者,技嘉科技有權取消活動參加資格;偽造作假文件者,需自負法律責任。

1. This promotion opens to residents in Hong Kong. 

2. This promotion is valid on new purchases from eligible resellers during the promotion period. GIGABYTE considers the invoice date as the official purchase date. 

3. Only one claim per purchased item is allowed. 

4. Prizes are limited in quantity; if promotion stock runs out then GIGABYTE have the right to end the promotion early. Entries with complete & valid information will be prioritized and all redemption applications need to be submitted or completed by October 31st, 2022. Any application or request for reward after this date will not be taken. 

5. Once the claim is received by GIGABYTE, it will be screened for validity to ensure that the transaction made is a genuine purchase, and all the information required for delivery is completed. The outcome of your claim will be communicated by e-mail within 15-20 working days since the registration. 

6. If an incomplete claim or invalid proof of purchase is received, a notification email will be sent to the registered email address with the opportunity to provide the required information, please resubmit & complete request by October 31st 2022; Otherwise the claim and registration will be deemed invalid and will be rejected. GIGABYTE reserves the right to reject incomplete, altered, illegible or false claims. 

7. After completing the registration procedure and once the ‘registration approved’ email from GIGABYTE has been received, you will acquire the right to receive the reward. GIGABYTE/AORUS will send the gift to the provided address within 8- 10 weeks after the redemption deadline.  

8. Customer will not be able to claim rewards on purchases that have been cancelled or items you have returned. GIGABYTE reserves the right to claim back or charge any parties the cost of the reward if the associated product is returned and or refunded. 

9. This offer applies to end user customers only. No purchases on behalf of any business will be accepted. 

10. GIGABYTE reserves the right to audit all requests to ensure that the terms and conditions of the promotion have been met and to request additional information regarding any and all claims and supporting documents. 

11. GIGABYTE is authorized to exclude the customer from the participation in this promotion without notice under the following conditions: 

- In any case of manipulation in relation to the registration 

- In case of multiple applications of a serial number 

- When the deadline for submission of the data has been exceeded  

12. If you need any assistance concerning the promotion in general please contact the AORUS HONG KONG Facebook fanpage. 

13. In submission of the registration data, the customer has declared that all requirements for eligibility to participate are fulfilled. At the same time, the customer agrees to these terms and conditions. 

14. GIGABYTE can stop the promotion without further notice if the execution of this promotion is not redeemed possible or involve unreasonable circumstances due to objective reasons. 

15. Each customer has to ensure the accuracy of the provided data. The personal information provided by the participants during the registration will be stored and used solely by GIGABYTE just to process this promotion. Any personal data provided to GIGABYTE will be treated in accordance with the EU data protection rules and GIGABYTE’s own Privacy Policy which can be found at: https://www.aorus.com/privacy-policy.php 
